
Showing posts from February, 2023

Requirement Of Resident Indian To Be A Director In An Indian Subsidiary | Ebizfiling

      Introduction     An Indian Subsidiary company is a company that is incorporated by the foreign nationals or foreign corporation (parent company) with the majority of shareholding in such a company. One of the basic requirements of Indian Subsidiary company registration is having 2 directors- one is a foreign national and the other is a resident of India. In this blog, we will discuss the requirement of an Indian resident director in an Indian Subsidiary company.     Who can be appointed as Indian director in an Indian Subsidiary?       A person can be appointed as an Indian Director when:   He is a resident of India or stayed in India for a period of 182 days. He should have attained the age of majority. He should not be disqualified by law. He should not be convicted of any crime.     What is an Indian Subsidiary Company?     An Indian subsidiary is a business that has its interests owned or controlled by another company. The relationship between the holding company and Indian